Posts tagged ‘newadventures’
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Loving Lovedrobe

Loving Lovedrobe

A few weeks ago, out of the blue I was contacted by the lovely Julie from the clothing company Lovedrobe asking if I was interested in reviewing a dress from their amazing selection. Well, I was so honoured to be contacted by them, and of course responded that I would love to give something a…

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Christmas Prescence

Christmas Prescence

When you get to my age Christmas (and associated presents) start to change in our household. Gone are the silly fripperies and fancies and the gloves, thick socks and slippers seem to expand. Activities such as theatre trips or days out are chosen instead of knick-knacks and ornaments. This is mainly due to the…

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Tattoo for you?

Tattoo for you?

A few weeks ago I was invited to a special  press event being held by Yours Clothing in London. Sadly I was unable to attend due to my day job, but Yours very kindly offered to include me in their new launch and I have to say, it’s a lot of fun! Yours have got…

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The highs and the lows…

The highs and the lows…

Last year was a strange year. It had some amazing highs and some spectacular lows for everyone, including my family and I. I thought it would be interesting to look back over the twelve months, choosing my favourite picture(s), my favourite memory or adventure. But of course you can’t have the highs without remembering…

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Amazin’ Amazon Alexa

For Christmas this year, the husband and I decided to have a joint main present and so went halves on the new bit of technology, The Amazon Echo. Now, if you haven’t seen one of the numerous adverts, the Amazon Echo is a tubular 360 degree speaker that is interactive and can do a…

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