Posts tagged ‘pinupgirl’
page 142 of 160

Rocky Horr-Endous?

Rocky Horr-Endous?

So, I have been a fan of the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” for around 29years. I first saw it when I was 12 on the TV on one of those late night horror movie showings that you used to get late on a Saturday night. And I was absolutely hooked! I don’t know what…

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Bound for Budapest

Bound for Budapest

Last month my favourite Blogger Babe, Boo and I took a trip away to the beautiful City of Budapest (pronounced BOO-DA-PESSH-T). Situated on the banks of the River Danube,  many beautiful bridges span the river, bringing the two settlements of Buda and Pest together. We had booked ourselves a five day break staying at the fabulous Hotel…

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Wooed by The Bodyguard

Wooed by The Bodyguard

A few months back my Mum asked if I would take her down to London. Now, she is not one for the big City. The hustle and bustle is just a bit too much, so she has never spent much time down there at all. So, what was behind this change of heart? She…

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Make Me Over with Lucie Luella

Make Me Over with Lucie Luella

A Month or so ago, I saw a repost competition on Instagram from someone I avidly follow, Lucie Luella. I have been a follower of hers for some time. She posts the most amazing hair posts, stunning  updo’s, total colour changes, vintage waves – you name it, I love them all! I am a…

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Ladies Who Spa!

Ladies Who Spa!

Last October we purchased my Mum a Spa day for her birthday present. She had never been to a Spa before so we thought it would be a great pampering day for her and a friend to go on. I looked at all the options that were available and chose The Day Spa Relaxation…

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