Posts tagged ‘plussize’
page 145 of 171

Bound for Budapest with Boo!

Bound for Budapest with Boo!

So, here I am again off on my adventures! Another trip away with Boo the Blogger Babe! Now, how has this all come about? It started off with the wonderful Caroline Curvy Wordy suggesting a girls holiday when we all met up at The Curvy Convention in May, Having never been on a proper…

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A taste of Twinwood day 2

A taste of Twinwood day 2

Well after such an amazing first day we all woke up slightly tired and some  little hungover (not me!) What better start to the day than a visit to the breakfast wagon for sausage and egg baps? I can confirm that it was pretty damn good and I happily ate every single bite! Unfortunately…

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Pie Eyed Pin Ups

Around 2 years ago I was just really getting started on Instagram. My social media usage was rubbish and I wasn’t yet blogging. But I was reading and following a lot of bloggers. Through this medium I started to make my first forays into the blogging community and making friends. One of these friends was the Lovely…

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Only a couple of days left to Vote!

Only a couple of days left to Vote!

There are only THREE days left to cast your votes! Please go and spend 5 minutes making your choices. We all really appreciate it! For those of you who have already read this and maybe even voted, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am publishing it again as the voting closes…

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A taste of Twinwood Day 1

A taste of Twinwood Day 1

Last year I was educated into the ways of Twinwood by a lovely friend Penny. We went for the day on Bank Holiday Monday and as tends to be the case, it teemed it down all day! However, as with the Blitz spirit we got on with it and had an amazing time. We…

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