Posts tagged ‘plussizefatshion’
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Wonderful Wasen

Wonderful Wasen

So my first experience of the Cannstatter Volksfest had gone down a treat! Wearing a blue and white dirndl I had supped beer, sang drinking songs and partied well. Read here for my adventure Now it was Saturday morning and we were off for another adventure. We left Rhina’s beautiful home and she took…

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Victory for Virgie

Victory for Virgie

So, when I first started dipping my toe into the Plus Size Community there were a number of people that I started reading and following. One of these is the indomitable Virgie Tovar and I loved everything she was putting out there on social media. Although based in a totally different country to me,…

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Loving Lovedrobe

Loving Lovedrobe

A few weeks ago, out of the blue I was contacted by the lovely Julie from the clothing company Lovedrobe asking if I was interested in reviewing a dress from their amazing selection. Well, I was so honoured to be contacted by them, and of course responded that I would love to give something a…

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Make Me Over with Lucie Luella

Make Me Over with Lucie Luella

A Month or so ago, I saw a repost competition on Instagram from someone I avidly follow, Lucie Luella. I have been a follower of hers for some time. She posts the most amazing hair posts, stunning  updo’s, total colour changes, vintage waves – you name it, I love them all! I am a…

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Caught by the River Thames

Caught by the River Thames

Tuesday 2nd August saw me on the Fuller’s Brewery Facebook page as I wanted to let them know about a review of one of their pubs that I done. Whilst there however, I saw a competition to win a pair of tickets to the “Caught by the River Thames” festival taking place on the…

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