Posts tagged ‘plussizepinup’
page 142 of 160

Lush – Halloween Haul and Christmas Crackers

Lush – Halloween Haul and Christmas Crackers

After my recent adventure in London, I convinced my sister in law to pop along to Lush as I had seen their Halloween offerings and I had already made up a shopping list! Whilst I didn’t manage to get all of the Halloween products (they had sold out of some) I did manage to…

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Ewa does the Unimaginable.

Ewa does the Unimaginable.

Regular readers of my blog will know of my love affair with Ewa Michalak bras after a visit to Poland last November which resulted in an impromptu photo shoot (read more here, here and here) I finally managed to get a set of bras that fit me. That supported and cupped me without cutting me…

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Hello Sailor!

Hello Sailor!

Following on from the success of my Lindybop nautical top and culottes, I started having a look around for a few more nautical accessories to mix my look up with. Browsing through Etsy is always fatal and this was totally proven when I stumbled across this little gem from GlitterPunkjewellery I just loved everything about…

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Fitflop fits the bill

Fitflop fits the bill

Earlier this year I was lucky enough to be sent a pair of Fit Flops from Shoetique to review (read here) which I absolutely loved and wore constantly through the summer. Sadly as the summer comes to an end, so does the wearing of sparkly pink flips flops. However the lovely Rachel from Shoetique…

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Simply Be-licious

Simply Be-licious

Recently I was very pleased and honoured to get an email from the lovely Clare on behalf of Simply Be. In it she very kindly offered to send me a couple of items to review for you all. Well, I could hardly turn that down, could I? Simply Be is just amazing for the…

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