Posts tagged ‘plussizepinup’
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Further adventures in TanyaLand

Further adventures in TanyaLand

Well, last year was an amazing year for me. On the whole. Of course, as with anyone, there will always be a few blips, or in my case a massive devastating blip at the beginning of the year. But the rest of the year was one of the best I have ever had. From…

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A new year… a new look

A new year… a new look

Well, if you haven’t already realised it, you are looking at me in a totally different way! I am very proud to show you my brand new website, which has been designed and built by the amazing Paul Burley, otherwise known as Pixel Stylist. I couldn’t be happier with the design he has…

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Oh, I MUST have been a good girl last year!

Oh, I MUST have been a good girl last year!

As we start the beginning of a New Year, I wanted to look back over the Christmas Period, and review how 2015 has been for me. Now as we all know, Santa only brings presents to the good girls and boys. So, therefore, If I got presents, I MUST have been a good girl?…

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New year, new me?

New year, new me?

So, new year resolutions…. Do you do them? Or more importantly Do you STICK to them? I guess, in our lives, we have all potentially made resolutions as the clock strikes midnight. The question is, do they last longer than that new year’s bottle of champagne took to drink? Personally, I am an ‘all…

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Christmas day? More like PJ day!

Now that the festive season is very truly upon us, thoughts turn to the annual task of buying, storing, preparing and serving the Christmas Day Dinner…. Well, in some households! Christmas Day Dinner doesn’t happen in our house and hasn’t for around 15 years. The funny thing is when I tell most people that,…

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