Posts tagged ‘plussizepositive’
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Sponsorship Success!

Sponsorship Success!

Given that I have been posting all over the place, most of you will know about my sponsored swim for a local colleague who is unfortunately struggling with incurable bone cancer. If you have somehow missed my post, you can catch up with it here Well, my four weeks are now up and I…

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Swimmingly Good with Shein

Swimmingly Good with Shein

As many of you know, I do a lot of work with Shein. They have kindly sent me many different outfits over the 18 months or so, including swimwear, pyjamas, dresses, capes and more. The lovely Jessy emailed me again a few weeks ago and asked me to pick four items of my absolute…

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Pottering Around with Harry

Pottering Around with Harry

*****SPOILER ALERT AT HARRY POTTER STUDIOS***** Most of my readers are well aware of my adventures with the brilliant Boo Brown of “Does My Blog Make Me Look Fat?” We have dined, theatre’d, travelled, modelled, partied, Disney’d and more. One of our most favourite places to go is the WB Harry Potter Studios down…

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Top Turkey

Top Turkey

Having a social media presence means that I get a *lot* of messages from people. Now, don’t get me wrong, not all are bad. Indeed, there are lovely messages of support and compliments. People wanting to know where a certain outfit is from. Asking for advice regarding plus size bodies and confidence. All are…

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Candlelight Concert of Classics

Candlelight Concert of Classics

As you may have seen I recently went out with my friend Helen to a gig in Leicester. It was billed as ‘The Festival of the Dead – Rock by Candlelight’ and the basic gist was a symphonic orchestra playing classic Rock songs from some of the most famous bands. Now whilst I was…

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