Posts tagged ‘plussizepositive’
page 42 of 128

Honey to the Bee

Honey to the Bee

As many of you know, I have an ongoing relationship with Shein Clothing, where they regularly send me clothing to review. However, I also purchase items from them myself. This has included clothing, hair accessories, make-up and even household items. So, I was having a mooch online and bought a few bits from Shein…

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Swim Success?

Swim Success?

I love to swim. Always have done, probably always will do. There is such a feeling of freedom and gracefulness when in the water, regardless of size, height or weight. I feel as if I could conquer the world, as long as it is done from a swimming pool. I learnt to swim as…

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New Me, New Knee?

New Me, New Knee?

Long time followers will know *all* about my ongoing knee problem. Over 18 months ago I had a drunken accident and damaged my ACL. Since then, subsequent falls have caused major damage. Over the past three or four months my knee had been causing more pain, limiting my mobility and what I am capable…

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Lovely Lulus

Lovely Lulus

I am a Shoe Addict. I have so many pairs that I have genuinely run out of space to store them all. The cupboards are full of boxes and storage tubs, and I have no space for any more boxes. So, just why did I buy a whole load of new shoes from Lulu…

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Vintage Antics

Vintage Antics

As many of you know, I love my Vintage Adventures. Given that the Pandemic has eradicated a lot of the social events and occasions, it is wonderful that different events are starting to happen and be planned. Firstly it was BCLM, then Twinwood and this past weekend it was the Great Central Railway 1940’s…

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