Posts tagged ‘plussizepositive’
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Who’s Zooming Who?

Who’s Zooming Who?

I have said it once, and I will say it again… These are Strange times! Due to COVID, normal life is not as we know it. Families are fragmented and regular life/events/fun is off the cards. That doesn’t mean that life has to stop. With the technology now available at hand, families and friends…

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Masks On!

Masks On!

These are difficult times. The COVID crisis is still upon us and the statistics don’t seem to be slowing down very much. I must admit I was very dismissive in the very beginning as it seemed the Government were taking seriously extreme measures when our statistics were not even in the hundreds! Then they…

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Hats All!

Hats All!

If you have been following my recent series about hats, you will have seen the ‘also rans’ and the satellite post I did. If you missed them, you can catch up here and here. Now I am going to share with you my bestest hats, the ones I wear a lot for various reasons.…

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A Near Miss…

A Near Miss…

So far you have seen the first two days in Athens. The stunning Panoramas, the Ancient World, Monuments and more. Now it was Thursday and again we had another full day ahead of us. We hit the breakfast room and I ate my body weight in fantastic apricot jam, rolls and mini croissants. Ok,…

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The Mad Hat

The Mad Hat

If you follow me, you will know that I did a recent post about some of the hats that I own, yet for whatever reason haven’t worn or probably won’t ever wear. You can see them here. In this post I am actually going to look at one of the hats that I forgot…

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