Posts tagged ‘plussizepositive’
page 81 of 128

Am I a Keuxtie?

Am I a Keuxtie?

As a long time fan of Le Keux Salon and their fabulous cosmetics, it was a dream of mine to enter their ‘Face of  Le Keux’ Competition last year. Sadly with family issues I forgot all about it and ended up missing the last day for entrance. Fast forward to this year and I…

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Wonderful Wednesday

Wonderful Wednesday

Wednesday was our last day in Lisbon, with our flight leaving later that day. We had seen many beautiful sights, had a few scares and some fantastic weather and just needed to finish our holiday off in style. The only thing we had yet to do was the boat cruise to Belem and back.…

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Loving LeKeux

Loving LeKeux

For those who follow me regularly, you will know of a recent photoshoot that Boo and I had in Birmingham with the lovely Lynsey LeKeux at her salon. If you missed the post you can read it here Well I had hundreds of photos to choose from and I had to narrow it down…

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The Big FIVE

The Big FIVE

Last Saturday I came to a realisation. A very important one. It was the 11th January 2020. A momentous day indeed. My blog turned FIVE! (This is where I have to admit that I forgot I was in 2020 and advised on social media that it was four years old) My first few blogs were…

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A Treasure Trove…

A Treasure Trove…

So it is pretty obvious to most people that I love me some vintage! When I first got interested it was pretty much the 50’s style as this was all that I could really get in my size. So I invested in a lot of swing dresses and skirts, some good and some not…

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