Posts tagged ‘plussizepositive’
page 97 of 128

Rocking my World Part 2

Rocking my World Part 2

Not long before the festive season we had to go to Cambridge for a hospital appointment for the hubby. We had plenty of time to spare so we popped along to a restaurant for a spot of lunch. Rockers was our choice and what a great choice it was! If you missed it, you…

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Representing Retropeepers!

Representing Retropeepers!

If you read me regularly you will know that I have TERRIBLE eyesight. I don’t mean poor observation, I mean terrible vision. I am profoundly shortsighted which means without my glasses or contact lenses I can see about 2 foot in front of my face. My eyesight never used to be that bad. When…

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Pretty Primark

Pretty Primark

There has been quite a hype recently about Primark offering clothes that will fit us plus size babes. Now, I know their range has got better and some of the lines have a bit of stretch. However if you are over a size 22, do not be surprised if you can’t fit in their…

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Pinafore Perfection?

Pinafore Perfection?

Recently I was on my lunch break and I happened to pop into a large UK Supermarket. You know the one, Every Little helps and all that! As I wandered along the ladies section I saw this outfit and immediately wanted it. A Beige, Mustard and Black check print set of dungarees. I literally…

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Nearly half way there

Nearly half way there

As many of you know, a couple of years ago I wrote a post about 50 things I wanted to achieve before I am 50 years old in 2024; some of them long term goals. I wrote an update in November 2108 which you can see here and also a previous one in July…

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