Posts tagged ‘psblogger’
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Harlequin Horrors??

Harlequin Horrors??

If you have ever read any of my blogs, you will know I am a Pin Up Girl Clothing fanatic. I first started wearing their clothing around two years ago, and I have built up quite a large collection. Yes, they are more expensive than the regular brands you can get in the UK,…

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Thor’s Terrific Tattoos

Thor’s Terrific Tattoos

For those of you who don’t know or have never noticed before, I am a tattoo aficionado. I have five currently but have wanted more for a really long time. I just haven’t got around to making time to get them done. The five I have are on my hip, lower back, upper back,…

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Awards Galore!

Awards Galore!

So the day had finally come around. The StyleXL Award ceremony which was being held in Birmingham was here! With this being the first awards for the StyleXL brand it was difficult to know what was going to happen, what to wear and what the event would be like. I travelled up to Birmingham…

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What is a Girl to wear?

What is a Girl to wear?

In less than a week it is the Inaugural StyleXL Awards in Birmingham. Arranged by the wonderful Leah Shafik, the awards were arranged to celebrate plus size achievements in the UK. Now, unlike other awards, this ceremony isn’t being held in an expensive venue, with tickets costing a small fortune. In fact, nominees don’t…

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Inspirational Indeed

Inspirational Indeed

I think most of us find it hard to take compliments naturally. Even when family members are complimentary I get a bit embarrassed and shrug it off, or find something about me that is wrong. For example If I am told I look amazing, I will find fault with my eyeliner, or my hair,…

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