Posts tagged ‘puggirlforlife’
page 62 of 148

Halloween Hijinx

Halloween Hijinx

As many of you know, I love a good murder mystery. We have taken part in many as a family and I have held some at home for friends too. My most recent mystery event was with the LGBT+ group at work. I was the cook, Mrs Batters and I had a great time…

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A new way of buying dresses

A new way of buying dresses

A month ago I had a lovely email from a lady called Leona who was making contact to see if I would like to review some of their vintage style dresses. She had been following me on Instagram and liked my style and thought we could work well together. Well of course, this got…

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Ash’s therapy really does the trick

Ash’s therapy really does the trick

Many of you know about the ‘Gin-cident’ that happened in April 2019. Little Chick was home from Uni for Easter and we had a rather fun evening, drinking, playing games and enjoying the long weekend. And then when I went up to bed, I tripped over a two socket cable extension reel and landed…

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Tea for Three

Tea for Three

Before the World went wonky I used to look forward to weekends and going out and about. Whilst I didn’t spend every weekend looking for vintage events to attend, this year was supposed to be the year I experienced many more of them. As readers know, the highlight of my year is Twinwood; held…

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Simply Browsing

Simply Browsing

Back in early 2019 I had some semi permanent eyebrows done by the amazing Lu at Q.L Salon. For nearly 18 months they have been just fine and dandy and I had no complaints or issues. However, I have noticed in the past few months that they have become paler and also lop-sided! Just…

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