Posts tagged ‘pugsavedmylife’
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Fetish Fun

Fetish Fun

A couple of years ago I was known in my circle of plus size blogger friends as the “Pin Up Girl Queen”. This was due to me wearing pretty much 100% pin up girl clothing which I would buy in America and get shipped over. Most of them had either not heard of the…

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Taking the next step….

Taking the next step….

Over the past three years I have certainly had a fair few adventures, as chronicled in this blog! I have had a chance to do a lot of things that I would never have expected. The last two or three months have seen the adventures being more travel based, which has been fabulous and…

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Turbans Ahoy!

Turbans Ahoy!

So, in a previous post I mentioned the wonderful Pin Up Girl Skirts that I had purchased from the lovely Michaela. The first two had arrived and I was keen to wear one out. Sadly I was suffering quite badly with an ear infection which had left me deaf in one ear, and with…

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Skirts Galore

Skirts Galore

Now, I am more of a dress person. I didn’t use to be and I don’t know why I am now. But it is pretty much all I wear. Until recently. I actually only own one skirt which is the Cherry print Jenny skirt from Pin Up Girl Clothing which I bought about two…

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A Marvellous Transformation

A Marvellous Transformation

Novelty pattern dresses. You either love them or hate them. And I am definitely a lover not a hater! I am not talking about my vintage style dresses with cherries or birds on, but the really different ones like my Silly Old Seadog Mermaid dress or my Cowcow Carousel Horse dress. The really kind…

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