Posts tagged ‘retropeepers’
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Taming the Curls?

Taming the Curls?

I have said it before and I will say it again… I am rubbish at doing hair. Well, kind of. Give me a French plait. No problem. Dutch plait? Sorted. Fishtail, Twist, Doubles, all manageable. I can even pull off a semi decent Victory Roll. What I cannot seem to get a grip on is…

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Challenging my Style?

Challenging my Style?

In recent months you will have seen I have become quite a fan of Shein. A bit odd to say, given that I am not really a ‘fast fashion’ kind of girl; more of a ‘oldie worldie’ kind of  gal. However, in recent months I have been seeing more and more vintage influenced clothing…

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Super Shein

Super Shein

Recently I have posted a couple of reviews on products from Shein, the fast fashion company. These have included the 1930’s beach pyjama article and some stunning dresses which I absolutely loved including the cape sleeved maxi dress. Shortly after my reviews I received an email from Shein asking if I would like to…

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Acropolis Adventure

Acropolis Adventure

I have to be honest. I started writing this at the beginning of March after Boo and my trip to Athens. Then COVID hit, all the World was affected and life changed. One of the things that altered for a lot of people including myself, was foreign travel. I was hoping to go to…

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A Near Miss…

A Near Miss…

So far you have seen the first two days in Athens. The stunning Panoramas, the Ancient World, Monuments and more. Now it was Thursday and again we had another full day ahead of us. We hit the breakfast room and I ate my body weight in fantastic apricot jam, rolls and mini croissants. Ok,…

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