Posts tagged ‘sheindress’
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Herbaceous Heaven?

Herbaceous Heaven?

As you know I have been trying out a lot of clothing recently from Shein. Some I have been sent to review, but a fair amount I have purchased with my own pennies. Recently I had put in an order for a couple of wigs and a lovely dress that I felt had a…

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Seasonal Shein!

Seasonal Shein!

Many of my readers will be aware of several recent collaborations that I have done with Shein including capes, pyjamas and outfits. They had contacted me just before Christmas and asked if I would like to choose four pieces to review and I was eager to try and get some items to photograph alongside…

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So, did it Shein?

So, did it Shein?

Recently I did a post about some items I had ordered from Shein that were a little out of my comfort zone. If you missed it, you can read it here So, how did I get on? For most part, pretty darn well! The nightgown was a delight. Loose and light, it was the…

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Taming the Curls?

Taming the Curls?

I have said it before and I will say it again… I am rubbish at doing hair. Well, kind of. Give me a French plait. No problem. Dutch plait? Sorted. Fishtail, Twist, Doubles, all manageable. I can even pull off a semi decent Victory Roll. What I cannot seem to get a grip on is…

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Challenging my Style?

Challenging my Style?

In recent months you will have seen I have become quite a fan of Shein. A bit odd to say, given that I am not really a ‘fast fashion’ kind of girl; more of a ‘oldie worldie’ kind of  gal. However, in recent months I have been seeing more and more vintage influenced clothing…

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