Posts tagged ‘styleissizeless’
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Pretty in Pink Clove

Pretty in Pink Clove

Just before I went to Germany I had a lovely email from a man called Paul on behalf of Pink Clove. He was interested in whether I would like to collaborate with the brand. Well as they have some amazing fashion, I said of course! During our emailing I mentioned I was off to…

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Ticking off the List

Ticking off the List

Long time readers may remember a post I did back in April 2017 about the 50 things I want to do before I hit my 50th birthday which will happen in 2024. If you missed this, check it out here Some of these things I have already managed to achieve and have done an…

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Friday Fringes and Festivals

Friday Fringes and Festivals

When I had met Rhina on my arrival in Stuttgart, we had got involved in quite a long photo shoot which you can read and see all about here. During the course of the afternoon I had complimented her on her stunning short fringe and complained that I didn’t have time to go and…

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Shooting in Stuttgart

Shooting in Stuttgart

If you have been following my adventures you will know that I had a trip to Stuttgart on the cards, staying with the lovely Rhina and her husband Holger, experiencing the Cannstatter Wasen and the Cannstatter Volksfest, which basically are Harvest festivals that involve a lot of drinking, dancing and partying. I had a…

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Rocked my World

Rocked my World

Today I actually had a day off work. It wasn’t for pleasure however, but to take the hubby to Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge to see a consultant about a serious eye issue he has. Knowing that he would not be able to drive himself home after the appointment, I took the time off to…

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