Posts tagged ‘stylexlawardnominee’
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Days off at Disneyland

Days off at Disneyland

Blogger Bestie Boo from ‘Does My Blog Make Me Look Fat’ invited me on another jaunt away last weekend to Disneyland Paris. It had been a few years since our last joint visit, when we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the park opening. Now, it was the 30th anniversary and we both really wanted…

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Ascoughs Astounds Again

Ascoughs Astounds Again

Regular readers may have seen a recent post where I reviewed a fabulous meal at a restaurant called Ascoughs. It was a wonderful meal with a fantastic friend, Jane and every single mouthful was delicious and I knew that it wouldn’t be too long before I returned. That opportunity came a couple of weeks…

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A Slightly New Era…

A Slightly New Era…

I recently saw a dress on the Shein website that I really liked. Plain black, in a pinafore style with faux white shirt sleeves and collar, I was drawn to it, even though it is both out of my era and my comfort zone! Whilst the style could be described as crossing many years…

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Brilliant Betty or Sublime Sybil?

Brilliant Betty or Sublime Sybil?

For the past 5 or 6 months, I have been getting my hair regularly trimmed at C and C Hair and Beauty by Jello. I started going there as it was directly opposite the office and meant it was infinitely convenient and certainly easier for me with their extended opening hours and Sunday working.…

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Amazing Ascoughs

Amazing Ascoughs

I have mentioned a very good friend of mine in the past, Jane. We met as part of the plus size community around 8 years ago and as we live relatively close to each other, we try and meet up for coffee or dinner at least once a month. Recent meals out have been…

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