Posts tagged ‘stylexlawardnominee’
page 26 of 136

French Fancy

French Fancy

I recently wrote about falling in love with Miss Candyfloss via a French website, Boho Chic Clothing Following on from that it was my birthday and I had a little money to spend and of course I immediately thought of Miss Candyfloss and the lovely ladies at Boho. I may have to admit to…

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The Derngate ‘Rocks’ with Rocky

The Derngate ‘Rocks’ with Rocky

I have spoken before about my love for ‘The Rocky Horror Show’. A fan since I was around 11 years old, I have seen the film billions of time, listened to the vinyl copy of the Original Cast recording and gone to several events where I have dressed up, danced and had an absolute…

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My Kind of Town….Chicago

My Kind of Town….Chicago

For around a dozen years or so, I have had a very dapper, vintage loving ex-pat living in the afore titled City, friend. A kindred spirit of sorts who has spent many an hour chatting amiably online with me. He is not only a wonderful correspondent, he is erudite, intelligent, witty and when you…

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Floral Cape Dress

Floral Cape Dress

Many of you will know of my large collection of dresses, most with a vintage feel and style. A lot of them I have sourced from American Vintage brands such as Pin Up Girl Clothing and Vixen by Micheline Pitt, it hasn’t been as easy with UK website. I have found a few gems…

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Trapped by Agatha!

Trapped by Agatha!

If you are a Sky TV subscriber (or even, not)  you will be all too aware of the adverts featuring Idris Elba, talking about being a Sky VIP and the fact that as a VIP there are lots of treats, experiences, free films and days out that you could be eligible for. To be…

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