Posts tagged ‘stylexlawardnominee’
page 78 of 136

Dining out on a School Night

Dining out on a School Night

As I have mentioned in previous musings I have a friend of several years, Jane who I met through the plus size community. We try to get together as much as possible, however over the past few months it has been pretty tricky. This has been due to timing, work, illnesses and more. However…

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Screen Starlet

Screen Starlet

A few months ago I received the most beautiful envelope in the post. When I opened the wax seal, I was thrilled to find an invite to the evening reception of two very good friends daughter Emily. I had come to know Emily through the fabulous Andy and Annette who I have been lucky…

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LondonEdge Lifestyles

LondonEdge Lifestyles

As most of you know, I try and attend LondonEdge every year. Well, actually twice a year, once in February and then again in September. Last September I had to miss the show as my knee was still bad from an accident that I had back at Easter and I knew that I wouldn’t…

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A MessyWeekend

A MessyWeekend

A couple of weeks ago I received a lovely email from a lady called Lena over in Copenhagen, Denmark. She had seen my blog and thought I could be a great fit to collaborate with ‘Messy’MessyWeekend’Weekend‘ a company that sells sunglasses and ski goggles. Now most of you regular readers know I have had…

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Perfect Popcorn

Perfect Popcorn

If you are a regular reader you will know that I posted a blog a little while ago about a haul I got from Lady V London just around the festive season. In case you missed it, you can see it here My favourite of all the dresses was this fantastic Hepburn style dress…

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