Posts tagged ‘stylexlawards2017’
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Animal Antics

Animal Antics

The hubby was very lucky to get an extra special present for his 50th birthday this year, a VIP experience at Chessington Zoo, where he was going to be a Carnivore Keeper for the day! He is animal mad. Sometimes we think he is Dr Doolittle as he just loves all animals, animal programs,…

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Leicester Loves Vintage

Leicester Loves Vintage

A few weeks ago I had the lovely Dawn Panter invite me to an event which seemed right up our street! The Leicester Vintage Carnival was being held at Leicester Racecourse and she had tickets and wondered if I would be interested in attending with her. For those regular readers, you may know I…

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Boo’s Birthday Bash…Disneyland Paris!

Boo’s Birthday Bash…Disneyland Paris!

A few months ago, Boo came to me via Whatsapp and said “If I wanted to go to Disneyland Paris for my 30th Birthday, and you know that there is no-one else I would rather travel with… what would you say?” Well, what else could I say, apart from “Hell yes, count me in!”…

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Colorista Catastrophe

Colorista Catastrophe

If you read my blog often, you will notice that I get bored with my hair quite frequently. Black, Ginger, Mahogany, Strawberry Blonde and every colour in between has been on my head. Fringe, Full Fringe, No Fringe; you name it I have had it. Given the job that I do, I have to…

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Showercaps in Superdrug

Showercaps in Superdrug

With my job I only get a 30 minute lunch break. You can’t do much damage in 30 minutes, can you? Well I did today. Our shopping centre is a 5 minute walk from work. Well, it takes a normal person around 2 minutes but I have short little legs that don’t move too…

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