Posts tagged ‘stylexlawards2017’
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Beauty Brings a Tear

Beauty Brings a Tear

For those who know me or read my blogs frequently, I recently shared a purchase that I made of the L’Oreal Beauty and the Beast make up set. In my write up I confessed to my love for the original film, and although I am a massive Disney fan in general, Beauty and the…

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The Lees Out-do themselves

The Lees Out-do themselves

So a few weeks ago I did a wishlist post on a possible dress for the up and coming wedding of Corinne and Adam.  Whilst I am at work all day and will be attending the evening only, I need to wear a hat. Well, you know what I am like! My very good…

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Shakin’ it with 58 Shakes

Shakin’ it with 58 Shakes

A couple of weeks ago I had a cheeky little email from a guy called Darren. Before your mind descends into the gutter, it wasn’t THAT kind of an email, but a funny message regarding a rock and roll band that Darren is part of called “The 58 Shakes” Using the medium of famous…

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Harlequin Horrors??

Harlequin Horrors??

If you have ever read any of my blogs, you will know I am a Pin Up Girl Clothing fanatic. I first started wearing their clothing around two years ago, and I have built up quite a large collection. Yes, they are more expensive than the regular brands you can get in the UK,…

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Thor’s Terrific Tattoos

Thor’s Terrific Tattoos

For those of you who don’t know or have never noticed before, I am a tattoo aficionado. I have five currently but have wanted more for a really long time. I just haven’t got around to making time to get them done. The five I have are on my hip, lower back, upper back,…

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