Posts tagged ‘stylexlawards2017’
page 49 of 136

Get me to the Church on Time!

Get me to the Church on Time!

Love is in the Air and Weddings have finally been given the go-ahead again, although with much reduced guest numbers. Since the Global Pandemic hit, social events have been few and far between and the excuse to get ‘dressed up’ has been almost nil. But as events start to open up, the prospect of…

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Racy Red and Raring to Go

Racy Red and Raring to Go

Being Plus Size isn’t an issue for me. It is however, an issue for many people who have a problem with the existence of Fat People and especially those who inhabit Social Media. Ask any Fat person who has a SM presence and I am sure you will regaled with the tales of nasty,…

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Ring a Ring a Rosie

Ring a Ring a Rosie

I have spoken recently of my trials and tribulations of wet sets and hair rollers. If you fancy a look, you can see it here Whilst I seem to have got the knack of the rollering (if thats a real word) I was still experiencing problems of the comfort kind. Especially when in bed!…

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An English Country Rose

An English Country Rose

The third in my series of dresses from Shein was the Peter Pan Collar Lace Trim Dress . It had a very vintage feel to it and I thought it could be a real asset to my wardrobe. When the dress arrived I was astounded by the quality of the material used. The site…

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Midnight Blues

Midnight Blues

Recently I was lucky to be sent three dresses from Shein Clothing to review. I have already shown off the beautiful Elsa inspired dress which I absolutely loved. If you missed it you can see it hereĀ  My second choice of dresses was another long ‘posh frock’ as my Aunt Gwen would say. This…

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