Posts tagged ‘teamcurvee’
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Going back in time

Going back in time

As many of you may remember, I did a post last month about my 25th Anniversary School Reunion, and the panic I felt over attending it. Well, Attend I did and whilst it wasn’t particularly my cup of tea, I have had a few readers ask me how it went, and what I decided…

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A small favour… The Curvee Awards

A small favour… The Curvee Awards

For those of you who read my blog regularly, you will know that this is something of a recent endeavour for me. I started my first proper blog post at the end of January, and what an amazing 9 months it has been! I have had adventures galore, met some fabulous people, who I…

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Curves, cupcakes and congratulations

Curves, cupcakes and congratulations

So, following on from the Instagram decision to ban the word “curvy”, a very lovely blogger, Kat Cupcake cleverly started promoting #curvee instead, with Instagram having no problem with its use! Over 41,000 #curvee and #teamcurvee IG posts later, Kat, along with two other fabulous plus size bloggers, Kathryn and Georgina, are taking this…

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Sharing the love — The Liebster Awards

Sharing the love — The Liebster Awards

Up until the weekend, I’d never heard of a Liebster Award, and now I’ve been nominated for two! Liebster awards are nominated for by bloggers. A blogger nominates other bloggers who they enjoy reading, and give them a few questions to answer. In turn, the nominee answers the questions and then nominates their own award…

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Pinup girl style

Pinup girl style

As many of you know, I am Pinup Girl Clothing MAD!!! I have yet to find an outfit that I do not like! Everything I have ever ordered has fitted me like a glove, is of the most amazing quality and designed with such love, passion and style. It suit me down to the…

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