Posts tagged ‘thefaceoflekeux’
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A Slightly New Era…

A Slightly New Era…

I recently saw a dress on the Shein website that I really liked. Plain black, in a pinafore style with faux white shirt sleeves and collar, I was drawn to it, even though it is both out of my era and my comfort zone! Whilst the style could be described as crossing many years…

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Brilliant Betty or Sublime Sybil?

Brilliant Betty or Sublime Sybil?

For the past 5 or 6 months, I have been getting my hair regularly trimmed at C and C Hair and Beauty by Jello. I started going there as it was directly opposite the office and meant it was infinitely convenient and certainly easier for me with their extended opening hours and Sunday working.…

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Amazing Ascoughs

Amazing Ascoughs

I have mentioned a very good friend of mine in the past, Jane. We met as part of the plus size community around 8 years ago and as we live relatively close to each other, we try and meet up for coffee or dinner at least once a month. Recent meals out have been…

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Charming Chocolaticas

Charming Chocolaticas

I am not the most organised of people.  Granted, when I need to be, I am methodical, logical and very obsessive about things being organised exactly the way I want them to be.  However, I don’t tend to think into the future and plan many months ahead.  This was then completely out of kilter…

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Bernie’s Beautiful Blooms

Bernie’s Beautiful Blooms

If you are a regular reader, you may have seen a recent post called Handbags at the Ready. This was about a recent event at a local theatre, where a brilliant night of music, dancing and fun was had by the fans and listeners of radio DJ, Bernie Keith. Handbag Heaven is a monthly…

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