Posts tagged ‘turbantime’
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The Royal Regally Rocks the House

The Royal Regally Rocks the House

Back in February we went to ourĀ  local Theatre to see a fabulous tribute act, New Purple Celebration who perform the most amazing, realistic and energetic Prince Tribute act you will ever see. You can read all about it here We had seen them previously and they blew us away. When we knew they…

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Last but not least…

Last but not least…

As so we come to it. The final shot from my favourite ten photographs from Velvet D’Amour. I love this shot so much, but I can’t even tell you exactly why. I love the robe that the fabulous Fuller Figure Fuller BustĀ  loaned to me, and the backdrop is stunning in its authenticity. As…

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Deco Darling

Deco Darling

Some of the only photographs from my Velvet D’Amour shoot that I haven’t extensively shared are these next couple. Not because I don’t like them, in fact I absolutely love them. The Gatsbylady dress is one of my favourite things to wear as it is so heavily beaded and beautifully made. The colours really…

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Fierce and Feisty

Fierce and Feisty

As you probably know I have been sharing the photographs from my marvellous shoot with Velvet D’Amour that took place at the stunning Sugnall Hall. So far they have been soft, womanly, curvaceous and smiling. Now for the fierceness… I love this dress so much that I knew I wanted it to be worn…

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Beautiful Boudoir Babe

Beautiful Boudoir Babe

Ready for some more of Velvet D’Amour’s amazing photographs? Whilst these are a little more revealing than the dress photographs, I am totally and utterly proud of them. In fact, I wouldn’t change a single thing. Well, maybe just that stupid stocking top that wouldn’t stay up! Apart from that, I love the composition.…

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