Posts tagged ‘twinwood’
page 42 of 44

Saturday Madness at Twinwood

Saturday Madness at Twinwood

Saturday rolled around far too early as I had woken up at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep. This was equally good and bad as I was able to think about what I was wearing yet bad as my anxiety was really ramping up. So, why was it so bad? Simply because I…

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Twinwood Finally Arrives

Twinwood Finally Arrives

As many of you know, the highlight of my year is the vintage social event that is Twinwood. This vintage festival has been going for many years now, however this would be my fourth year. The main difference this time was that I had managed to persuade several family members and friends that it…

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American Beauty

American Beauty

For several months now I have been a member of a couple of pages on Facebook that are based in America. Run by a mother and daughter Tammy and Bonita, they attend auctions and estate sales, and have to offer some of the most beautiful vintage items for amazing prices. Hats, Gloves, Bags, Jewellery…

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The Trials of Twinwood

The Trials of Twinwood

Many of you will recall I wrote a post about entering the Miss Twinwood competition a few weeks back. This was something that was out of my comfort zone, but I had added it to my ‘fifty things to do before I hit fifty’ challenge. Several of my really good friends had egged me…

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Well… No backing out now!

Well… No backing out now!

You may remember a post I wrote a week or so ago about possibly taking the plunge and entering the Miss Twinwood competition this year. I asked you lovely readers to give me your opinions and vote on which photograph you thought I should enter, and you all seemed to love the same photograph.…

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