Posts tagged ‘twinwoodvintagefestival’
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Ta-ra Twinwood

Ta-ra Twinwood

For many of us, Twinwood is one of the highlights of the Vintage calendar. Held over the August Late Bank Holiday weekend, it is always a tricky one given the penchant for dodgy weather! Thankfully the years that I have attended Twinwood, have as a whole been quite kind, with last year being so…

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A Step too Far, or Best Foot Forward?

A Step too Far, or Best Foot Forward?

I love Shoes. Let me just put that out there. Like a lot of women I feel that shoes are the finishing touches to the perfect outfit. As Coco Chanel said ‘A woman with good shoes is never ugly’ I have always liked to compliment my outfits with my shoes; either style or colour.…

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‘Ave a Banana!

‘Ave a Banana!

If you are a regular reader you will have seen my post about the Wonderful Mr Tom Carradine. Vintage Musical Leader of several Twinwood Cockney Sing-A-Long’s, he is many peoples highlight of the weekend, mine included. During the COVID situation, Tom has had to stop his regular gigs and has instead been entertaining and…

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Lets All Go Down The Strand…

Lets All Go Down The Strand…

For those Twinwood goers and visitors to some of the drinking and entertainment establishments in the Big City, the name of Tom Carradine will be very familiar! I was first introduced to his walk down a marvellous Memory Lane when watching him perform around five years ago at the late night Cockney Sing-a-long at…

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The Twinwood Tragedy…..

The Twinwood Tragedy…..

Most of you know how much I adore my annual traipse to Twinwood for a weekend of Vintage shenanigans. This year I was especially looking forward to a relaxing jaunt with family and friends in what was promised to be amazing sunshine; unusual for a Bank Holiday weekend! Why the reason for a relaxing…

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