Posts tagged ‘UKadventures’
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New Wonders from Neo Walk.

New Wonders from Neo Walk.

As regular readers know, I currently have two acrylic walking sticks from the amazing Neo Walk. The Gatsby, a clear stick with golden glitter flecks and a translucent green stick called Emerald City are in my arsenal of mobility aids and I wanted to expand my collection a little more. I had the opportunity…

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Hare Raising

Hare Raising

Following on from my recent post about a new found love of cross-stitch and the resulting creation, Mildred the Giraffe I have actually been commissioned to create another notebook. If you missed the colourful Giraffa camelopardalis, to give her the scientific name, you can see her in all her glory HERE It took around…

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Jello Does the Job

Jello Does the Job

I wrote a blog a couple of months ago about getting my hair done at a new salon across the road from where I was now working. I had actually watched as the building was renovated, wondering what was going to be inside and was thrilled when C & C Hair and Beauty by…

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Retropeepers Rise To The Occasion

Retropeepers Rise To The Occasion

Several weeks ago I had an optician appointment for a check up. As a contact lens wearer, I make sure that my eyes are checked every year, whether I have any issues or not. My current lenses are ones that can be worn for a continuous 30 days before they need to be removed…

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Earring Extravaganza

Earring Extravaganza

Recently I was chatting with a friend in the vintage community and we got onto the subject of jewellery, specifically what to wear with our vintage style clothing. Now, there really are two trains of thought (in my opinion) you have original jewellery which is either very sparkly and decorative (diamante, gemstones and marcasite)…

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