Posts tagged ‘ukblogger’
page 89 of 157

Practically Perfect

Practically Perfect

Mary Poppins. Love it or Hate, there is something to be said about the colourful Disney film from the 1960’s written by P.L Travers. The film follows the adventures of the no nonsense nanny and her charges, the Banks Children. Meeting up with the loveable (yet terribly accented) Bert, And I absolutely love everything…

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A new tattoo…

A new tattoo…

In past posts I have talked about having my eyebrows microbladed and eyeliner tattooed at the amazing Q.L Salon by Louisa. What I haven’t said is how much easier this has made getting up every day! As previously said, I am crap at make-up. I never really had anyone to show me when growing…

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The Circus comes to Town

The Circus comes to Town

If you read my regularly you will know I purchased a gorgeous skirt from Unique Vintage called ‘The Greatest Skirt’. If you missed it, you can read all about it here It was on pre-order so I had to wait around 6 weeks, but I thought it was totally worth it. Whilst I was…

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50 Shades of Grey

50 Shades of Grey

About 18 months ago I was a different hair colour to now. And six months before that. And before that. I get bored quite easily! I then went Apricot courtesy of the amazing Lucie Louella of I Love Lucie. Eventually I ended up a peroxide blonde which I absolutely adored but messed my hair…

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Boo’s Birthday – Spa Style

Boo’s Birthday – Spa Style

Those who read me regularly know that I am quite a fan of a local Spa, Whittlebury Hall. I have been lucky enough to go there several times and each time has gotten better and better. A couple of months ago my blog wifey Boo asked if I fancied going to Whittlebury Hall for…

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