Posts tagged ‘vintagehandbags’
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Fetish Fun

Fetish Fun

A couple of years ago I was known in my circle of plus size blogger friends as the “Pin Up Girl Queen”. This was due to me wearing pretty much 100% pin up girl clothing which I would buy in America and get shipped over. Most of them had either not heard of the…

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The Beautiful Bishop

The Beautiful Bishop

So… last weekend Little Chick decided to come home for Easter. Was it the lure of the chocolate eggs she would be sure to find? Hell no. It was the lure of the super duper washing machine and tumble dryer as she is off to Croatia next week and had several loads she wanted…

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An Elegant Evening with Elomi

An Elegant Evening with Elomi

Last week I found myself with an invite to the launch of the latest Elomi Collection held in London on a chilly Friday Night thanks to the amazing Sam over a As I don’t get to go to many of these events due to work commitments, I jumped at the chance to see…

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Fabulous Figlmuller

Fabulous Figlmuller

After a busy day walking all around the beautiful city of Bratislava, Slovakia, we were dropped back off at our hotel and had a bit of a rest  before we headed back out to the Old part of the City for our evening meal. We had decided that we were going to try and…

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A different kind of Uplift

A different kind of Uplift

Many of my long term readers will know of the issues I have had getting bras to fit me. To the extent of travelling to Poland and visiting the wonderful Ewa Michalak of Ewa Michalak Lingerie where I even had a bra named after me! I managed to get a whole range of bras from…

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