Posts tagged ‘vintagelife’
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Outfit Round-Up March – April 2017

Outfit Round-Up March – April 2017

I wear a lot of clothes. When I am not at work in my uniform, I love to look good. Putting on a nice vintage style dress, make-up, accessories and even hats/head-wear makes me feel really great. It helps my mental health. It makes me feel like everything is “right” in my World, and…

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Lucy Loves Violet AND you

Lucy Loves Violet AND you

If you read my previous post you will know all about my lovely friend Rachel setting up a vintage clothing and accessory company called Lucy loves Violet. See hear to read more. Lucy Loves Violet started life at the beginning of March and has been adding more products every week. As an introduction to…

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Edgier than Ever!

Edgier than Ever!

Twice a year the LondonEdge show takes place in London. Spring/Summer and then obviously Autumn/Winter. And I love it! Held in February and September, Londonedge brings together all the different vintage and alternative brands for 2 – 3 days to show off their new collections and products. I have attended the last two events…

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A Published Writer? Who? Me?

When I was encouraged to start writing my blog nearly two years ago, I honestly didn’t think I was good enough. Good enough to write. Good enough for people to want to read. Good enough in how I looked. Good enough for anyone. Yet, thanks to some amazing Plus Size Bloggers, I decided to give…

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LondonEdge has the winning Edge!

LondonEdge has the winning Edge!

This February I was lucky enough to be invited to LondonEdge, A huge trade show that took place in Olympia. The show encompasses Vintage and Alternative companies and showcases their products. I had an amazing time and was introduced to a few companies that I wasn’t aware of, including the amazing Dolly and Dotty!…

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