Posts tagged ‘vintagestyle’
page 145 of 162

A Taste of Twinwood part 3…

A Taste of Twinwood part 3…

So day 1 and 2 had been a raging success, how would day 3 pan out? We got up early, and thanks to the lovely Lucy Stanton who managed to tame my poodlefied hair into a couple of Victory Rolls and a snood. With the addition of my Malibu Tiki Dress and bespoke hair…

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LondonEdge has the winning Edge!

LondonEdge has the winning Edge!

This February I was lucky enough to be invited to LondonEdge, A huge trade show that took place in Olympia. The show encompasses Vintage and Alternative companies and showcases their products. I had an amazing time and was introduced to a few companies that I wasn’t aware of, including the amazing Dolly and Dotty!…

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Bound for Budapest with Boo!

Bound for Budapest with Boo!

So, here I am again off on my adventures! Another trip away with Boo the Blogger Babe! Now, how has this all come about? It started off with the wonderful Caroline Curvy Wordy suggesting a girls holiday when we all met up at The Curvy Convention in May, Having never been on a proper…

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A taste of Twinwood day 2

A taste of Twinwood day 2

Well after such an amazing first day we all woke up slightly tired and some  little hungover (not me!) What better start to the day than a visit to the breakfast wagon for sausage and egg baps? I can confirm that it was pretty damn good and I happily ate every single bite! Unfortunately…

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Pie Eyed Pin Ups

Around 2 years ago I was just really getting started on Instagram. My social media usage was rubbish and I wasn’t yet blogging. But I was reading and following a lot of bloggers. Through this medium I started to make my first forays into the blogging community and making friends. One of these friends was the Lovely…

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