Posts tagged ‘vintagestyle’
page 156 of 162

Rally Round for Reid

Rally Round for Reid

A couple of weeks ago, a random Thursday evening saw Baby Bear, Mum and I travelling over to a local Football club for a Charity Fashion show. Strange place for a fashion show, you might say? Well, yes. It might not be the first place you might think of, but this was a fashion…

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When I started blogging 14 months ago, I had very little social media presence, apart from Facebook. I didn’t use Twitter very much, (and still not as much as I should) and Instagram was something I never went on. In the past year I have somehow managed to garner nearly 3500 followers on Instagram. In…

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Eggs-Ellent Easter

Eggs-Ellent Easter

Although I understand the significance of the Easter Festival, I haven’t been a practicing Christian for some time. So, for me Easter is a time of happiness and getting to be with my family. This has been even more important this year, as Little Chick is in a different part of the Country. Thankfully, We…

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Floral Fancies

Floral Fancies

I decided that for Easter I would actually treat myself. In a vintage Facebook group, I had spotted a beautiful handbag, and had to know where it was from. What a fatal move! The owner of the bag introduced me to the work of Woody Ellen. A Belgian Illustrator, who paints the most beautiful floral…

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Blogger Beauty Box

Blogger Beauty Box

A little while ago I was introduced to the Blogger Beauty Box. As with a lot of boxes, its a subscription box put together by the lovely Victoria and Neesha, for bloggers only. I recieved my first box in January and absolutely loved the contents within – Bath and shower products, moisturisers and tanning…

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