Posts tagged ‘vintagestyle’
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Going back in time

Going back in time

As many of you may remember, I did a post last month about my 25th Anniversary School Reunion, and the panic I felt over attending it. Well, Attend I did and whilst it wasn’t particularly my cup of tea, I have had a few readers ask me how it went, and what I decided…

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Let them eat cake!

Let them eat cake!

Many of you might be aware that I was challenged by the Boss to raise some money for a local children’s charity The Daisy Chain. This charity allows physically disabled and special need children to have activities, adventures and days out with their families, especially with their able bodied siblings. The charity is quite…

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Sharing the love — The Liebster Awards

Sharing the love — The Liebster Awards

Up until the weekend, I’d never heard of a Liebster Award, and now I’ve been nominated for two! Liebster awards are nominated for by bloggers. A blogger nominates other bloggers who they enjoy reading, and give them a few questions to answer. In turn, the nominee answers the questions and then nominates their own award…

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Totally terrific Twinwood!

Totally terrific Twinwood!

Picture the scene: an old RAF Airfield in the heart of some idyllically beautiful English countryside, a bank holiday weekend full of sun, cloudless skies and jugs of pimms… Well a girl can dream! I had the distinct pleasure of visiting the Annual Twinwood Vintage Festival on Bank Holiday Monday with my Vintage Bestie,…

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My first blog!

So… Finally I’ve stopped procrastinating over choosing a Blog name, and managed to set something in motion, so here goes. My blog will be my ramblings and thoughts, but mostly all about my adventures, of which I’m trying to have as many as I can! I turned 40 in July 2014 and since then…

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